In line with our company vision, our quality policy in accordance with ISO 9001:2015; we are committed to producing high quality products exceeding our customers' expectations and creating a culture of "zero error" in all our staff with on-site control in all our processes based on Total Quality Management. Under this understanding and vision.
To increase customer satisfaction, our company implements a quality management system based on the following processes:
monitoring the effectiveness of the system and providing the necessary resources for its continuous development.
Moreover, it provides the necessary opportunities for all its personnel to pursue their training activities and participate in quality teamwork for the continuous improvement of quality and the production of final products and services in accordance with the definition of quality.
In carrying out its activities, it acts with an awareness of its responsibility towards the environment, society and the individual.
It aims to go beyond what is expected by providing the necessary opportunities to go beyond our customers' own limits on the basis of social compliance conditions.